Well, it looks like Danny will be teething over Christmas. HOORAY! :::can you sense my sarcasm?::: I know he's young, but I definitely think he's teething. Let's review his symptoms (I know you're excited). Excessive drooling, crankiness, the CONSTANT need to chew on everything (this isn't regular "baby puts everything in his mouth" activity... this is a really constant and driving need to GNAW really hard on things... especially mom's fingers) crying when there's nothing in his mouth, loss of appetite (nursing sessions last about 2-3 minutes before he gives up)grabbing his ear, red bumpy gums, etc, etc, etc.
Unfortunately, he's not old enough to hold a toy or teething ring well enough to get a good "gnaw-on" so it looks like mom's fingers are going to have to do the trick. Anybody got any other advice!?
Big Red
4 weeks ago