Monday, August 25, 2008

Danny smiling

I know, I know, he can't control his facial muscles very well yet, but hey, its cute anyway!

Clean Machine...

Daniel on his tummy!

"Smile?? I'll think about it....."

Somebody's tired!

A picture speaks a thousand words.... at 2am this morning, Daniel decided to "baptize" Dad... (check out his pants....)

Time for Danny's first (sponge) bath. (Notice that Dad is being more careful to avoid being sprayed again!)

Mommy washes Daniel's hair

Baby's all wrapped up the the hooded towel from Grandma!

Danny loves to stare at the quilt on the wall!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lazy Saturday...

Aunt Bridget came from Boston today! We were so excited to show off Daniel some more. Also below, Daniel and Daddy watch golf...

More family time!

Our second day at home was spent visiting with family. My mom and dad stayed at our house and were a HUGE help. They did everything from cooking and laundry, to fixing our toilet, watering the plants, and putting some of our baby equipment together! I couldn't have done it without them! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Kitsie and Granddad:

Its nice to have my appetite back!

Daniel loves to stare at his Daddy and calms down whenever he hears his voice

That's right folks... There's a new sherrif in town! (I made this shirt too!)

Daniel tries out the "Pak'n'Play". He loves to be swaddled, and thanks to Ms. Stacey, Daniel has a blue SwaddleMe blanket! (Everything else he owns is yellow and green!)

"Uh... guys?? I'm not so sure about this Pak'N'Play anymore...did anybody read these warning labels?!?"

Time to come home!

We got to leave the hospital 36 hours after we got there! That's a ringing endorsement of a good delivery :) (Or maybe they just needed the bed... ha ha)

Daniel strapped into his carseat and ready to go on his first car ride.

Finally home!

Grandpa Redus "points" out his new grandson.

Family time!

Everyone at the hospital was so nice. I was highly impressed by the nursing care we recieved. Soon after we moved to the mother/baby unit, we were happy to welcome our families to the hospital to meet Daniel!

So worth it!

Jay said sleeping on the pull out couch was almost as comfortable as lying on exposed nails.... ALMOST...

My mom was so excited to meet her first grandbaby!

Once Aunt Rebekah got the text message that Daniel had been born, she hopped on the "China Express" bus from NYC and hightailed it down to Baltimore that day!

Me, Daniel, and Aunt Rebekah

Just the Three of Us

Getting to know you...

...getting to know all about you...

Baby burrito...

Kitsie (Jay's mother) comes to visit. She brought sandwiches and other "non-hospital food"... thanks Kitsie!

The paparazzi are here!

"Daniel.. I am your faaather"
I made this shirt for Jay at his request. (We are such Star Wars nerds)

So sweet!

Danny's cool "NYC" aunt
My labor started at 0345 on Monday morning (8/18). We labored at home as long as possible, and finally decided to go to the hospital around 3pm. Little did I know, I still had 12 hours to go!

Jay's very excited to get this show on the road! (He thinks he's got it all under control)

I'm not so convinced, since I'm the one who is actually IN labor...

I'm making time to talk to people even while I'm in labor. I'm probably saying, "If they don't get this stupid mask off my face...."

Jay watches Olympic trampolining. Hey... there's not much to watch at 3 in the morning!

Finally! Daniel William Cleary was born at 0545 am on 8/19/08 after 36 minutes of pushing. He was 7.6 lbs, and 21 inches long! We're so happy to welcome him to our family!

"Hey! Its cold out here! Put me back in!"

This is for all those people who said my baby would be too small...

One happy Daddy!
Waiting and waiting!!! I took last week off from work, and was bored out of my mind! At least the weather was nice. Here I am drinking some lemonade on the back porch.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Spending Time With Friends

Whew! I am finally done with work! (At least for the next 12 weeks). I think I stopped working on EXACTLY the right day, b/c I felt pretty miserable yesterday. I was glad that I could stay home and relax for once. Of course, working 72 hours in one week will do that to you....

I spent my first two day of maternity leave meeting up with friends.

Thursday night, I went out to Babalus for a delicious Cuban meal

then I met with Mariko for lunch in Fells Point on Friday. I miss Mariko so much... it was great to see her!