Everyone at the hospital was so nice. I was highly impressed by the nursing care we recieved. Soon after we moved to the mother/baby unit, we were happy to welcome our families to the hospital to meet Daniel!
So worth it!

Jay said sleeping on the pull out couch was almost as comfortable as lying on exposed nails.... ALMOST...

My mom was so excited to meet her first grandbaby!

Once Aunt Rebekah got the text message that Daniel had been born, she hopped on the "China Express" bus from NYC and hightailed it down to Baltimore that day!

Me, Daniel, and Aunt Rebekah

Just the Three of Us

Getting to know you...

...getting to know all about you...

Baby burrito...

Kitsie (Jay's mother) comes to visit. She brought sandwiches and other "non-hospital food"... thanks Kitsie!

The paparazzi are here!

"Daniel.. I am your faaather"
I made this shirt for Jay at his request. (We are such Star Wars nerds)

So sweet!

Danny's cool "NYC" aunt