Friday, August 8, 2008

Spending Time With Friends

Whew! I am finally done with work! (At least for the next 12 weeks). I think I stopped working on EXACTLY the right day, b/c I felt pretty miserable yesterday. I was glad that I could stay home and relax for once. Of course, working 72 hours in one week will do that to you....

I spent my first two day of maternity leave meeting up with friends.

Thursday night, I went out to Babalus for a delicious Cuban meal

then I met with Mariko for lunch in Fells Point on Friday. I miss Mariko so much... it was great to see her!


katienryan said...

I miss Mariko too! Matter of fact I miss many meyer niners.

Aaron Redus said...

Wow this site has been up for a minute.