Saturday, August 23, 2008

More family time!

Our second day at home was spent visiting with family. My mom and dad stayed at our house and were a HUGE help. They did everything from cooking and laundry, to fixing our toilet, watering the plants, and putting some of our baby equipment together! I couldn't have done it without them! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Kitsie and Granddad:

Its nice to have my appetite back!

Daniel loves to stare at his Daddy and calms down whenever he hears his voice

That's right folks... There's a new sherrif in town! (I made this shirt too!)

Daniel tries out the "Pak'n'Play". He loves to be swaddled, and thanks to Ms. Stacey, Daniel has a blue SwaddleMe blanket! (Everything else he owns is yellow and green!)

"Uh... guys?? I'm not so sure about this Pak'N'Play anymore...did anybody read these warning labels?!?"


Mary R. said...

Aw, Danny looks bigger just since yesterday! I miss him so much!

katienryan said...

Cute, cute, cute. Leah, I love how your humor is displayed on hubby and baby. Too funny!